The Guide for Sterilizing Your Airless Pump Bottle

Airless pump bottles have gained massive popularity in recent years for being the ideal solution for keeping skincare products fresh and hygienic. Unlike traditional pump bottles, they use a vacuum pump system that prevents air from contaminating the product, making them the perfect choice for skincare users who want to keep their beauty products free from bacteria and dirt. 

But do you know how to sterilize your airless pump bottle to keep it as clean as possible? Here's a quick guide on how to do it right. 

Step 1: Disassemble Your Airless Pump Bottle 

Remove the pump and any other parts of your airless pump bottle that can be taken apart. Doing so allows you to clean each component of your bottle thoroughly. Also, remember never to remove the spring or any other mechanical parts, as this can damage the vacuum system. 

Step 2: Wash Your Bottle 

Fill a bowl with warm water and add mild soap or dish detergent, then soak your airless pump bottle and its components in the mixture for a few minutes. Gently clean each part with a soft-bristled brush, being careful not to scratch the surface. 

Step 3: Rinse Well Under Running Water 

Rinse each part of your airless pump bottle under running water, using your fingers to remove any remaining dirt and soap suds. Make sure to rinse thoroughly, so no soap residue is left inside. 

Step 4: Sanitize Your Airless Pump Bottle 

There are several ways to sanitize your airless pump bottle. One of the easiest ways is to place each component of the bottle on a clean towel and spray it with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Make sure to cover every surface, and let it air dry completely. 

Alternatively, you can also use a sterilizing solution that contains hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite. These substances can kill most germs and bacteria, making them highly effective in disinfecting your airless pump bottle

Step 5: Reassemble Your Airless Pump Bottle 

Once you've cleaned and sanitized every part of your airless pump bottle, it's time to reassemble it. Start by putting the pump back in and ensure that it clicks into place. Then, screw the cap back on tightly. 

Step 6: Store Your Airless Pump Bottle Safely 

After you've sterilized your airless pump bottle, make sure to store it somewhere clean and dry, away from sunlight and heat. Always replace the cap after use, and don't forget to check the expiry date of your product regularly. 

Remember, a little effort goes a long way when it comes to maintaining your skincare routine's hygiene. Don't hesitate to clean and sanitize your airless pump bottle frequently, providing you with peace of mind and healthy, clean skin.

Post time: Apr-11-2023
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